Conditional Attributes

Asteracea supports conditionally setting optional attributes with the following syntax:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {
    // This will be improved on in the next chapters.
    class: Option<&'bump str>,

    .class? = {class}

asteracea::component! {

    <*Classic .class = {None}> "\n"
    <*Classic .class = {Some("classicist")}>
<DIV class=classicist></DIV>

Instead of &'bump str, the attribute value type here is Option<&'bump str>. If None is provided, the attribute is omitted entirely from the rendered VDOM.

This can be used to conditionally render a boolean attribute like checked, providing Some("") to enable the attribute. However, it is usually more convenient to use a bool directly:

Boolean Attributes

To make dynamic boolean attributes like hidden more convenient to use, conditional attributes also accept bool values directly:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {
    visible: bool,

    .hidden? = {!visible}

asteracea::component! {

    <*Vis .visible = {true}> "\n"
    <*Vis .visible = {false}>
<DIV hidden>#</DIV>

true is converted to Some("") and false to None in this case, as per specification.

Which types are compatible with conditional attributes is controlled by the ConditionalAttributeValue trait.

It is by default implemented for bool and Option<&'bump str>, and I recommend not extending this list unless the conversion is very fast.