
To define elements and their contents, Asteracea provides a syntax similar to HTML:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {


<name opens an element and > is enough to close one. However, you can alternatively close elements with /name> too, which the compiler will validate:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {

    // [complex nested template]

Elements can contain any number of valid Asteracea component bodies, which are rendered as the element's children, as long as the specific element supports it:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {

    "This is text within a <span>."
    <!-- "This is a comment within a <span>." -->
<SPAN>This is text within a &lt;span>.<!--This is a comment within a <span>.--></SPAN>

This includes other elements:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {

    <span "This is text within a <span>.">
<DIV><SPAN>This is text within a &lt;span>.</SPAN></DIV>

Elements are statically validated against lignin-schema.

Empty elements like <br> are written like any other element, but don't accept children and won't render a closing tag to HTML when using lignin-html:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {


To use custom element names without validation, quote them like this:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {
