Rust Comments

You can use three distinct types of comments in Asteracea macros, all serving different purposes:

First, standard Rust comments can be placed anywhere in Asteracea components (or any other place in a Rust program), and are not included in the compiled binary:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {

    // This is a one-line comment.
    /* These are *nested* multiline comments. */

Additionally, Rust documentation is supported in many places:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {
  /// This is a documented component.  
  /// Running `cargo doc` will pick up on its documentation.
  pub Documented()() -> Sync


These /// (or //!) annotations are not included in the compiled binary either¹, but can be picked up by standard Rust tooling like rust-analyzer.

¹ Rare exceptions in combination with other macros apply.