
The ::new(…) and .render(…) functions of Asteracea-components are fallible, returning a Result<_, Escalation>.

Escalations are panic-like: They are not expected during normal execution of a web frontend, are strictly deprioritised compared to the Ok path and components that catch them are encouraged to implement a "fail once and stop" approach where child components are disposed of on first failure.

You can escalate any error along the GUI tree as long as it is Any, Error and Send.

fn main() {
use asteracea::error::EscalateResult;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result};

struct AnError;
impl Display for AnError {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
    write!(f, "A test error was raised")
impl Error for AnError {}

asteracea::component! {
  #[allow(unreachable_code)] () -> Sync

    // Raising an `Escalation` means crashing at least part of the app,
    // so there is a speed bump for this conversion.
    // Think of `.escalate()?` as a Wasm-unrolling version of `.unwrap()`
    // and use it sparingly.
    return Err(AnError).escalate();

asteracea::component! {


asteracea::component! {
  pub Outer()() -> Sync

A test error was raised

Showing line and column information is planned, but the necessary API is currently not available on stable Rust. Hooking into tracing should be comparatively straightforward, though.

If the "force-unwind" feature is enabled, Escalation instances are erased and the type itself uses the panic infrastructure for propagation instead of being passed up via Err variant. This may reduce code size in some cases.

However, note that panics cannot be caught on platforms without unwinding, including Wasm (as of Rust 1.49.0).

In the future, panic conversion will be activated automatically on compatible platforms, as long as this can be done without compromising backtraces.

Handling panics

Asteracea's error handling will automatically try to pick up on plain Rust panics, and can prevent them from crashing your app as long you use an [Escalation::catch…] function to handle errors. However, this only works with unwinding enabled (i.e. not under Wasm!). The currently active panic hook is invoked regardless, too.

The following example should display a backtrace rather than failing the book build:

fn main() {
asteracea::component! {
  #[allow(unreachable_code)] () -> Sync

    //TODO: Make this conditional on unwinding.
    panic!("Avoid doing this!");

asteracea::component! {
  pub Outer()() -> Sync

Avoid doing this!

In general, prefer explicit escalation over plain panics whenever possible!